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Tim Harrison

New Beginnings.

So why start a blog? I mentioned on my About Page that Mike Stone's blog inspired me. While it did, I feel like I should mention the spark that started the idea to begin with. Sadly my mother passed away December 2024, just before Christmas. Like it would many, this loss hit me hard and I felt lost!

I wasn't sleeping much, I found myself reading numerous social media posts, blogs, articles and anything that would take my mind off things. I've been subscribed to Mike's blog for a while and the simple, minimalist layout and short posts struck a cord with me. Maybe I could start a blog? Maybe some of my content, might just help inspire someone one day to start their own blog, or possibly distract them for a while, from problems or challenges in their life.

So here in lies the start of my blog, from such a sad end.... to spark a new beginning!

In Loving Memory of a wonderful mum.

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