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Tim Harrison

About Tim

A Picture of the Author of this Blog

Hi, My name is Tim. My full time Job for 15 years now, is a firefighter. However I've worked in a few industries, I started off as a mechanic for Volkswagon. I then became a qualified Carpenter (aka a joiner or chippy), eventually going self employed. I finally settled after several years in the emergency services. However my interests are more geared toward tinkering, construction (at Home), electronics, Linux and self hosting services like Nextcloud and Home assistant.

The inspiration behind this blog is the wonderful Mike Stone. I was introduced to Mike after joining his and Kev Quirk's Mastodon instance Fosstodon. I would highly recommend checking it out if your looking for an alternative to X/Twitter or whatever its called these days.

I don't really have a contacts page but you can find me on Fosstodon as Greylinux